..2014 is coming to a close..
there's something i love about looking back
on a year and remembering all the moments
and changes and best parts & hard parts.
before moving on to a fresh new year, we
have to look back and appreciate the prior
year. last year we made a 2013 year recap,
and while i loved it, we thought we could
make 2014's a little bit more fun. chase
had this idea last new years, so we have
been working on this all of 2014.
..and try not to laugh too hard at us!
..and try not to laugh too hard at us!
:) hope you enjoyed this little lip sync, it was chase's idea
last new year's day and i can't believe we actually ended
up doing it! it was a lot of work, but mostly we would be
on a trip and remember to film a quick lyric or segment.
we weren't organized at all, so luckily we ended up with
all the words.. but it might be a fun new tradition to have
fun through the year and recap it in a different way.
some highlights of the year..
we started the year with family and heard
my parent's big news. we headed back to
which was heavenly. we made some
resolutions, ate well, got massages, and
soaked up the sonoma valley sunshine.
we moved into a tiny studio in the city
and had lots of visitors. we learned how
and i went on a little girls trip to vegas.
we did our first {and last} juice cleanse,
celebrated valentines, and then headed
and saw the amazing kennedy museum.
this month started off really rough with
our car being broken into on the street.
my parents came to visit, and we took
chase's parents came to visit right after!
we had lots of visitors this month and
soaked up the city with good food + friends.
in april we took some of my favorite city
pictures with kirsten, and then i went
home to salt lake city for a week to
spend time with family, throw a shower,
and feature some favorite restaurants.
i came back to SF and chase planned the
cutest celebration {and made the sweetest
video in the world for my 24th birthday.}
in may we had lots of city picnics, then
headed to L.A. for one last family trip
before my parents left...complete with
disneyland, newport, laguna, and
celebrating mothers day. i also got my
master's degree and my entire family
was there for my grad school graduation!
my cutest friend ashley came to visit, and
we wrapped up may in yosemite hiking
the famous HALF DOME for memorial day.
we celebrated our two year anniversary
with a fun scavenger hunt all about the
past year. {favorite new tradition!}. we
ate at the famous cliff house, i finished
teach for america, (!!!) and we kicked
off summer at a james taylor concert.
we moved into the cutest new nob hill
apartment and finally felt settled after
months in a tiny city basement studio.
i flew to colorado to meet my parents
for a little bike ride adventure through
that pretty state. then we went back to
salt lake for the saddest part of the year
-- my parent's farewell for their mission!
to them for 3 years. (tears!) love my fam.
in july we soaked up the bay -- we went
paddleboarding in san rafael canal,
celebrated the 4th of july in the city,
and celebrated chase's birthday with
friends! we took a road trip up the 1
to explore mendocino and fort bragg.
we did the classic skunk train & rode
horses on the beach. i got hired at
google and started working at
the same place as chase! oh,
marathon too :) chase's first!
i flew home to be in a wedding and
celebrate maria & cam. we tried
almost every food truck in SF. we
celebrated 20 years since my dad
survived the bear attack. we went
we saw "once" on broadway. some of
our best friends the woods came to visit.
we had a beach day in santa cruz and
had a little sailing outing too.
we started september in BOSTON for
labor day. we stayed in provincetown
and fell in love with cape cod. we also
discovered nantucket, AKA greatest
place on earth! we said goodbye to
my family's sweet dog kona with lots
of tears and love :(
in october we discovered the mosaic steps,
took some fun pictures in the city, and
enjoyed SF's FLEET WEEK -- amazing.
we had lots of fun working and commuting
together all fall, launched our non-profit,
went to alcatraz at night for halloween,
then headed to canada: niagara falls,
montreal, quebec city, and all of french
canada. i was in heaven and it was one
of my very favorite trips. magnifique!
in november we had a weekend getaway
with our besties to san luis obispo,
america's happiest town. we stopped
through cayucos and had the best time.
san francisco and we went to the utah-
stanford football game. we saw so
many friends from home and the utes
WON in double overtime!!!!! so so fun.
we ended november in INDIA which
was the craziest yet most amazing trip
in december i flew to salt lake city
straight after india for a friend's lovely
december wedding. we spent most of
december in san francisco soaking up our
city christmas, went to google's holiday
masquerade ball, then headed home for
the holidays to salt lake city utah to spend
time with family and friends. we capped off
the year back in san francisco & went to tiburon.
time with family and friends. we capped off
the year back in san francisco & went to tiburon.
writing this recap and going through the
blog archives has made me realize:
1) how amazing one year can be.
how much we can do, change, see,
grow, learn, and experience. i love
to look back and think through each
month each year and especially this one.
2) also, i am so grateful that i have these
memories and records to look back at
and remember exactly what we did when.
i truly love this little blog for being a place
i can record our favorite memories and
experiences + recommendations and tips
for seeing this big beautiful world.
thanks for sharing 2014 with us!
cheers to 2015.