Sunday, December 9, 2012

sunday notes

dear december, slow down! we want to savor every single day of you.

dear last week, you provided something fun for us to do every single night.

dear christmas shopping, i actually enjoy you..and good news, we are almost done thanks to a lot of online shopping this year! 

dear traditions, we are loving thinking of some of you to start this year for our first christmas married.

dear little twinkly tree, you make our apartment so much more cozy.

dear palo alto nativity exhibit, i am still in awe of you.

dear chocolate chip cookies, toffee chips make you one million times better. i'm never making you plain again!

dear holiday season, please never end!

dear grad school, one semester down!

dear san francisco ballet, we can't wait to see you this week!

dear cookie cutters, we finally got to use you, and you made our saturday night with friends so festive and fun.



  1. Can't wait to hear what you think about The Nutcracker! I saw SF Ballet perform it last year and it was beautiful!

  2. Hooray for one grad semester down! Sounds like your season is merry and bright so far - continue to enjoy all of it!

    julee @

  3. Will you share your recipe for the chocolate chip cookies with toffee chips?

  4. i love december, the best month ever.
    seriously those are the cutest cookies!
    and one semester down, i have one semester left of my undergrad after this week, yahoo!


  5. Wow, those cookies are perfect! Sounds like you guys had an amazing week. :)

  6. December really does need to slow down! This post made me smile! :)


  7. cutest, love your Sunday notes. xoxo


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