Sunday, April 27, 2014

sunday notes

dear roses, you looked so pretty in the rain this week.

dear ingrid michaelson, i'm discovering your new album late...but i LOVE.

dear saturday, you were good to us. thanks for the sleeping in, cuddling, gym time, brunch, shopping, getting my grad school presentation over with, and new dinner place.

dear early birthday present, i am prettttty excited for you...thanks parents!

dear flat tire, you sure came at an inconvenient time this week. it's times like those i am sure happy to have a husband to call!

dear reese's cookie bars, we ate one too many...recipe coming this week.

dear grad school graduation, how are you almost here? never thought this day would come.

dear books, i have a longgg list of you and can't wait to read for fun again...once grad school ends!

dear tennis, i've missed you. time to start you back up weekly.

dear husband, thanks for taking me shopping + for a cupcake after my grad school capstone presentation.

dear suits, we are obsessed and can't stop watching you. binge!

dear this video, you are so so soooo amazing and provided us entertainment all weekend. haha my new goal is to learn every single move!

dear sunday, i'm loving our new tradition of taking a picnic down to the ocean.

dear newport, we are so excited to see you next weekend...along with our family, the beach, favorite restaurants, and relaxation. 



  1. Dear the Well Traveled Wife, I'm so excited for the Reeses' cookie bar recipe and to hear the new Ingrid Michaelson album! I have to catch up on it as well!

  2. Reese's cookie bars? Umm yes please!

  3. For some reason I have been addicted to Reese's this week so that sounds amazing! Also, the roses are killing me here. They are everywhere and so amazing!

  4. Ooh! Suits is our #1 fave over here too!

    Also I think I should admit that I went back and read at least the last 4 months worth of your blog posts and ate every single word up. You are fantastic. :)


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